Sunday, April 25, 2010

A very nice (busy) weekend

On Saturday I escaped for a little while and went to the book exchange, gas station, and grocery store.
Today, Jenny & Josh came over. Josh tilled the garden while Jenny mowed the lawn. I burned the little pile of stuff that was left over. Grandma and Ashlynn planted potatos.

Not Van Gogh's Potato Eaters, but Roger's Potato Planters.

All done!

Afterwards, I took a nap! Watching all that work can wear a guy out.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Bald guys

NOW do you see the resemblance??

Friday, April 23, 2010

Tues thru Fri

Tues, Wed, and Thurs were uneventful. Just work, eat and sleep. Really tired by the time I got home each day, but that's normal for the week after. Went to work this morning, but didn't feel well, so I came home about 9:00. Feel some better now.
I did have some good news. The ammo I ordered from Cabela's in January finally shipped. It left IL this morning.
I hope to burn a little more tomorrow, then maybe, just maybe, the garden will be ready to til.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Stayed home today. Just tired. Hope to rest up and get a running start on tomorrow.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Richard mowed the lawn and burned the brush pile. (I helped for 5-10 minutes.) He'll be gone 4 or 5 days next weekend rafting the Owyhee. I may need some help getting the garden tilled. If it's dry enough.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


The doctor said the fatigue would get worse with each treatment. Sadly, he was right. I'm supposed to try to get some light exercise, so I went for a walk. Only got as far as the other side of Hare Field, then had to give it up. Oh well, this too will pass. Just not soon enough to suit me.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Friday wasn't bad other than the crummy taste is back. Not as bad as the first time, but bad enough.
I got to work about 8:30. I couldn't stand for long periods, but had a lot of programming to do to make a part on the CNC Mill, so I spent quite a bit of time at the computer. Program awhile, try it, back to the computer to fix the problems, then try again.
I did discover another fringe benefit to the chemo. No one can tell if I skip shaving.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Wed - Thurs

Wednesday was uneventful, just worked, ate, and slept.
Thursday was treatment day. It wasn't quite as smooth as the previous two. They were a little understaffed and the nurses were running from station to station most of the day. My first IV location started causing pain as soon as the meds started flowing and its not supposed to, so they had to re-try in the other arm. After that every thing went fine. In at 8:00 am and out at 4:15 pm. I was native american day at the cafeteria so I had Salmon and rice. It was really good. I'm usually surprised at how good the food is at Tuality. Finished one book, napped, and read several magazines. Exciting, huh?
We went for a walk after we got home, but my legs were pretty shakey, so we had to cut that short.
I have to stop at the clinic and get a shot this morning then I'll try working and see how that goes.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sat thru Mon

I felt pretty good all weekend. We went out to Forest Grove and looked at the house Loranger's have in the Ultimate Open House.
Back to work this morning.
I'm not looking forward to Thursday's treatment, but it will be the 3rd of 6.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Tues thru Fri

It was a pretty good week, my taste and appetite are nearly back to normal and my energy level is improved. I actually got physical yesterday. I got rid of the scrap metal parts that had been accumulating for months. It took at least 6 trips up and down the stairs form the Model Shop to the recycle area with a 5 gal. can full of small chunks of metal. My legs are feeling it this morning, but its a good kind of pain and not much of it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday & Monday

I've felt pretty good the last couple of days. Still run out of gas and need a nap by around 4:00 but otherwise nearly normal.
Sunday was pretty boring without all the grandkids decorating and hunting eggs. Next year...

Saturday, April 3, 2010


Not a bad day. Not especially good either, but not bad.
Jan and I just went for a walk down to Cornell and back. Dang, it's cold out there!
I wore a coat, gloves, and hat, but somehow that baseball cap didn't do anything for the back of my head. (Hair would help.) I guess I need a hoodie.
Imagine, me a skinhead with a hoodie. It just ain't right.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Wednesday thru Friday

Worked Wed. & Thurs. but very tired afterward. Came home early today because I was dizzy every time I stood up. That seems to have passed now. I'll probably nap a lot this afternoon.